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TL;DR - Came back from a ~17 month layoff from strongman to do my first USS meet at 100kg. Placed third. Did at least the minimum goodness in each event. Will continue to do strongman. Background TOTALLY SKIPPABLE My last meet was Parker Days in June of 2015. Everything went poorly there and I only ended up in second to last place. The summer following that competition saw everything else get worse too (or at least stagnate). My deadlift fell from 495 lbs to 440. I had no idea what happened, why I wasn't getting stronger, so I became disheartened with strongman over the course of several months. In January, I decided to do a powerlifting meet as a break from strongman. The meet I was going to do was in May of 2016, with my lifts around 405/255/420 before starting the training (pretty much my lowest in several years). In the meet, I hit 405/235/450, which was pretty surprising that I didn't really get stronger at all, especially at bench when I was doing it at least 2x per week. Although confused, I decided that I just needed to train harder.

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He felt light like there was something missing. He stealthily checked his pockets. Phone, house keys, wallet with no money, everything seemed to be there. He decided it was just in his mind. Maybe he didn't eat enough. Once he had set aside that thought, another overtook him. His shirt clung to him. Static electricity built up from the plastic chair he was sitting on. He touched the metal bar of his desk to discharge it. It made an audible snap. The class went by quickly. They spent most of the time going over power points and completing a notes packet afterward. There wasn't much to it. At some point, during each period one of the teachers would make a comment on or reference to the recent bombing. Each with their own spin on it. After hearing about it enough times it became boring. An inconvenience on his day. Dude, enough. We get it. Scary world. Big boom no good. Andrew's eyes rolled to the back of his head each time. Mikey Under the oppressive sun blazing down, Mikey Smith ran. He ran up the hills, he ran down the hills, he ran on the straightaways.

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I was an eldritch knight, or maybe a fighter / warlock combo? It's been a while. Richard - Lawful Good Paladin. Of course. He's also playing a variant human. He chose this, and the DM cleared it. This is important. Session zero rolls around... "Alrighty, everyone, " David says after a long session one, "Just to be sure, you all know that this'll be a survival game, right? Eating, drinking, sleeping is all required unless your race says otherwise. " We all agree, and the Discord call ends seconds later. Everything so far seems pretty great. Richard seems like a nice guy. His character backstory is a bit bland, but hey, to each his own. Other than that, nothing happens. We shared a few laughs, and we all seemed to mesh well together. Then, I get a DM from Richard. "what does a survival game mean again" "It means you eat and drink n shit. Dyou not wanna play or summ" I respond. "yeah but don't tell david. ill find a way to cheat it or something" "Sure lol" This was a red flag, I know, I know.

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July 19, 2021, 11:21 am