Job Interview Confidentiality Agreement

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job interview confidentiality agreement examples job interview confidentiality agreements

Published on November 12, 2017 Home Lexicon Employee Confidentiality Agreement An employment confidentiality agreement, also known as a "non-disclosure agreement" (NDA), is a legal contract in a written form that is signed between the employer and employee. It contains necessary terms and conditions that forbid the employee from revealing confidential and exclusive information of the organization to third parties. It takes effect during the employee's employment and for a certain period following the employment termination specified in the NDA. The common period for this is one, two or three years and covers activities that the previous employee is prevented from doing during this period. When the employees sign this type of agreement, they accept that if they expose sensitive company information that is considered as breaking of their employment contract and this has severe consequences for them. Purpose All companies have sensitive and confidential information they would like to keep private, from commodity plans and lists of customers to software and blueprints.

Job interview confidentiality agreement pdf

July 21, 2021, 8:37 pm