Interview Questions To Ask Sql Server Dba Job

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  3. SQL Server DBA Interview Questions & Answers

Answer- You can get it by running Disk Usage dashboard report of any database. There is a section of all autogrowth and auto shrink events occurred on the database. Have a look in the attached article where i have shown this dashboard report to see number of autogrowth events for a database. Question-What will be the impact on database if you have default value of Autogrowth or you keep small value of autogrowth size? Answer- If we go with default value of Autogrowth or any amount that is less in size and not per your database growth pattern will lead to the performance issue. Read attached article to know why performance issue will be occurred if you have inappropriate value set to autogrowth. Questions- What is compatibility level and how it impacts SQL Server? Answer- Compatibility level shows the SQL Server version on which your database is running. This is used to support the backward compatibility. You can run your databases to the lower version of SQL Server having higher version of SQL Server installed on your machine by setting compatibility level of the corresponding SQL Server version.

Interview questions to ask sql server dba job market

It won't copy the structures of the same. 20. What are the OS services that the SQL server installation adds? MS SQL SERVER SERVICE SQL AGENT SERVICE DTC (Distribution transaction coordinator) 21. What are the commands used in DCL? Grant Deny Revoke 22. What are the recovery models for a database? There are 3 recovery models available database Full Bulk – Logged Simple 23. What is database isolation levels in SQL server? Read Uncommitted The lowest level where transactions are isolated only enough to ensure that physically corrupt data is not read. Read Committed Database Engine default level. Repeatable read Serializable the highest level, where transactions are completely isolated from one another 24. What is Log Shipping? Log shipping is the process of automating backup database and transaction log files on a primary database server, and the restoring them into a standby server. In this technique supported by Microsoft SQL server, MySQL, 4D, and PostgreSQL. 25. What are the different types of Upgrades that can be performed in SQL Server?

It can be any of the following Publisher, Distributor and Subscriber on the same SQL Instance. Publisher and Distributor on the same SQL Instance and Subscriber on a separate Instance. Publisher, Distributor and Subscriber on individual SQL Instances. 11. What are the different ways you can create Databases in SQL Server? T-SQL; Create Database command. Using Management Studio Restoring a database backup Copy Database wizard 12. What are the new features in SQL Server 2005 when compared to SQL Server 2000? Database Partitioning Dynamic Management Views System Catalogue Views Resource Database Database Snapshots SQL Server Integration Services Support for Analysis Services on Failover Cluster. Profiler being able to trace the MDX queries of the Analysis Server. Peer-toPeer Replication Database Mirroring 13. What are the different types of database compression introduced in SQL Server 2008? Row compression Page compression 14. What are the advantages of using Stored Procedures? Stored procedure can reduced network traffic and latency, boosting application performance.

It is a database programming language which gives us the means to work with different types of databases like Oracle, SQL Server, MYSQL, and MongoDB etc. There are ample reasons that confirm the significance of SQL for Software testers and DBA professionals. DBA has to prepare database schemas, create tables and indexes. Also, he needs to tune the DB entities to step up the performance. On the other hand, a tester's responsibilities are as follows. 1. Write SQL queries to validate the integrity of the DB. 2. Generate virtual load on the server. 3. Testing – Upgrade of SQL software version. 4. Testing – DB migration from an older DB to a newer version. However, there are many emerging areas such as Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Analytics which extend the scope of SQL and database programming. Hence, it's a favorite subject for the interviewers which eventually makes it a mandatory skill for the candidates. SQL Interview Questions for DBA and QA. Suggested Readings. SQL is so interoperable that it fetches attention from QA engineers to learn and interviewers to add it as one of the key criteria for selection.

Question- What do you think, should we enable Auto_Shrink option for a database? Answer- We should never enable database auto shrink property for any database. Read this article to understand why we should not enable auto shrink for any database. Question- What would be your options if your database files are full with maximum disk capacity? Answer- We have below options in case disk space is full where data files are placed. Add Additional Disk Space to the same drive. Add additional data file to the different disk where you have enough space or you can add new disk as well to create this data file. Move the data file to another drive that has enough space. Delete\Purge unused data from your database to make some space. We can choose any option depending on the requirement. Question- What will you do if your log file drive is full during data load? Answer- We have below options in case you are in middle of data load. Run Transaction log backup frequently. Add another log file in another disk where is enough space to grow the log.

Interview questions to ask sql server dba job vacancies

If we are still not getting any solution, try to search the error on social sites or take help from your seniors because you are not the only one who has received this error. Question- Tell me in which sequence SQL Server databases come ONLINE after starting or restarting a SQL Server Instance. Answer- There is no defined sequence for user databases to come online. Although, below is the sequence in which system databases come online. User databases can come online anytime after master database become accessible. Master MSDB ResourceDB (Although this database is not visible in SSMS) Model Tempdb Question- What should be the optimum AutoGrowth size for SQL Server databases? Answer- Optimum Autogrowth size of any database file is based on the data growth. We should analyze the data growth and set autogrowth size accordingly. Ideally, Microsoft suggests to keep one-eighth of the size of data file. Read attached article to Understand database Autogrowth in SQL Server. Question- How will you check the total number of autogrowth events occurred on your database?

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There can only be one Clustered index on a table. Non- Clustered Index The leaf node of a Non-clustered index does not consist of the data pages. Instead, the leaf nodes contain index. 3. What is SQL server agent? SQL is a component of Microsoft SQL server. SQL server agent plays a vital role in day to day task. Server agent purpose is to implement the task easily with the scheduler engine. It allows our jobs and handles other automated scheduled date and time. 4. What is Trigger? Trigger is a database object that is attaches to the table. There are many aspects in its similar way to store a procedure. It is executed with automatically modified data, insert, delete, and update operations. Trigger consists of event an insert, delete, update and an action. Triggers are used to preserve data integrity by checking on or changing data in a consistent manner. 5. What are the different index configurations a table can have? Index configuration No indexes Clustered indexes Clustered index and many non-clustered indexes Non-clustered indexes Many non-clustered indexes 6.

interview questions to ask sql server dba job opportunities

SQL Server DBA Interview Questions & Answers

You can enable Auto shrink during data load if you are running with SIMPLE recovery model. Question – How many SQL Server Instances we can install on a cluster Instance? Answer- We can install 25 instance on clustered environment and maximum 50 instances on standalone instances. Question- What is the difference between updating statistics using sp_updatestats and UPDATE STATISTICS? Answer- sp_updatestats updates only the statistics that require updating based on the rowmodctr information in the sindexes catalog view, thus avoiding unnecessary updates of statistics on unchanged rows. While going with UPDATE STATISTICS you have quite lot of options to use for stats update. This command scan all tables and data based on your scan value during updating statistics. This can take lot of time and performed intensive IO operations. Question- Do we need to update Statistics after index rebuild operation? Answer- No, Update stats is not required after index rebuild operations because statistics got updated during index rebuild operation.

-Sean Sean Gallardy, MCC | Blog | Twitter Proposed as answer by Naomi N Friday, September 21, 2012 10:49 PM Marked as answer by Friday, September 21, 2012 10:49 PM

July 19, 2021, 10:20 am