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Al Norton of sat down for an interview with Thomas Gibson, star of CBS' Criminal Minds. Gibson discusses the mood on the set, his favorite guest stars, the current TV landscape and more. You can check it out below. Photo by Randy Holmes — © 2010 ABC Studios. For more on Criminal Minds, you can read my review of last week's episode and see a preview for tonight's episode here. Al Norton: You do with some pretty heavy material on Criminal Minds, so does that make for a somber set or are you guys goofing off as soon as the director yells cut? Gibson: Not unlike the guys who do it for real, who all have very, very dark senses of humor and can be very silly, our set is one of the most fun I have ever been on. It's very much in diametric opposition to the material. Norton: How close to the Hotch you play know is the guy you thought you were signing on to play six years ago? Gibson: One of things that's great about working on series television is getting to develop a character. I knew some of the places I wanted to take him, I knew some of the things that were important to him at the beginning, but you don't know because you haven't taken what you feel you know about the character and plugged him into a series of situations yet.

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In addition, I attend a conference once a year for HR professionals to network and update my knowledge of legal matters. " 10. Why should we hire you for this position? This is a "closing" question—your final pitch on why you're perfect for the role and the company. Don't hold back. Tell the interviewer about any skills and experience that make you special (per the requirements of the job description), but also talk about why you fit into the company culture and what motivates you to be a part of it. Set yourself apart with an answer like this: "As an HR professional for your company, I believe I would bring energy and motivation to make a difference within the HR team. I'm keen to learn additional skills and use my existing experience to make HR the partner that management requires to ensure the smooth running of the company. In addition, I believe that your company values of being self-driven and in the same boat adhere very well with my own values as an individual. I'm looking for a long-term commitment which is also in line with the company values. "

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July 19, 2021, 10:19 pm