Ruah Woods Job Openings

"The destruction of churches and art is strikingly similar to another area where beauty is under attack: women. " Dr. Carrie Gress Read more! A beautiful articulation of the destructive force in our culture. # ComeHolySpirit # TOB # theologyofthebody "Real freedom can be found in the Church's teaching on sexual difference and in the law of the gift is freedom found. " # TOB # theologyofthebody WOW! Did you watch the game or have you been paying attention to the conversations behind these commercials? # prolife # lifeisbeautiful When asked what saints could serve as inspirations for Catholics to engage with the broader culture, Anderson responded that Pope St. John Paul II's "clarion call to 'be not afraid'" can galvanize Catholics, and the "philosophical foundations" of St. Thomas Aquinas "will prove essential. " # benotafraid # TOB # tobcurriculum # MaleAndFemaleHeCreatedThem In an interview with CNA, Ryan Anderson—a prominent speaker and author on marriage, sexuality, religious freedom, and natural law—offered advice for Catholics on discussing issues such as abortion and gender ideology, and pointed to saints who could serve as models for this evangelization.

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yes, a strong and faithful Bishop who also understands the importance of Teaching TOB in schools! Beautiful! Do yourself a favor and watch this short film! Outstanding on-line TOB educator training begins next week. Join us! St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us! Ruah Woods Press St. Elizabeth Ann Seton entered into eternal life 200 years ago today! We pray she intercedes for all involved in Catholic education-school leaders, teachers, students, parents and priests! Catholic education changes the world! # TOB # TheologyoftheBody Do you have a New Year resolution to grow in your faith? What about learning Theology of the Body? Our own President Michael Grasinski begins teaching TOB on Monday, January 5 at St. Cecilia in Oakley, Archdiocese of Cincinnati. 🙏🏻 We have one sweet Digital Marketing Coordinator job opening up!

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Eventually, through prayer and discernment, the Holy Spirit prompted me to move back home, and I am grateful, as I was able to spend the remaining months of my Dad's life with him. It was during this time that my Catholic faith really took flight. In 2018, I attended a Theology of the Body course at the JPII Institute for a week in the summer, and it really opened my eyes for the first time on the teachings of Pope St. John Paul II. Purposefully, I surrounded myself with authentically Catholic friends and spiritual mentors, who have made a tremendous impact on my spiritual life — most especially the beautiful religious community of the Sisters of Life. I completed my formerly paused education certification in Maryland and subsequently began a Master's program. Although I initially started in the Theology course of study at Loyola University in Baltimore, I wound up transferring and completing my Master's in Catechesis at Catholic University of America. Fortuitously, in the fall of 2019, while pursuing my Master's degree, my fiancé Rob and I first met!

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Since 2009 Ruah Woods' core focus has been to help men and women live their vocation to love, according to God's plan, as informed by the Theology of the Body. Our niche is Theology of the Body Education and what makes us unique is our cohesive K-12 TOB Curriculum, our education, training, therapy and support for teens, adults, teachers, clergy and families. You'll find colleagues who are spiritually stoked, striving for Christian virtue, self-giving, deeply knowledgeable about TOB and zealously positive about making a difference in our world. We guarantee TOB will provide clarity in illuminating the whys behind Catholic teaching and plant seeds for a lifetime of transformation through self-gift.

Ruah woods job openings

Written by: Lauren Thorp, Ruah Woods Press' Marketing and Communications Specialist

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After my Dad, Owen Thorp, passed away, they actually named one of the trainee dogs "Owen" in dedication to my dad's military service. The dogs that do not "graduate" from the veteran training program can be released and adopted by families. Recently, Rob and I reached out to ask if they had any dogs available for adoption. On February 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes (TRULY!! ), they shared with us that they had recently made the bittersweet decision to release Owen from the training to be adopted — and he will now be a part of our family! Providentially, they also let us know that they received our application at the same time they had decided to release Owen from the program, so it was totally God's timing (AGAIN! ) in all of this. Our new addition even has his own Instagram page, which you can follow at: @wcc_owen. As Ruah Woods Press' Marketing and Communications Specialist, I look forward to help expand our reach to spread the truth, goodness and beauty of TOB to reclaim the dignity of every unique and unrepeatable human person from conception to natural death.

July 1, 2021, 9:36 am