Job Interview Hints And Tips

Bring questions, too – this is a two-way process! On the day… Again, if your interview is face-to-face, make sure you: Plan your route in advance and allow plenty of time. Smile and relax – your body language speaks volumes too. Take time to think about the questions before you answer – we're looking for humans not chatbots. Feel free to give us examples of your skills from all aspects of your life, not just work. Some practice questions Here are some examples of the kind of questions we might ask: What do you like to do in your spare time? What energises you? How would your close friends describe you? Do you most like starting tasks or finishing them? Do you prefer the big picture or the small details? Describe a successful day. What made it successful? What are you good at? What are your weaknesses? What did you enjoy studying at school or university? When did you achieve something you're really proud of? What do you enjoy doing the least? Do you find there are enough hours in the day to complete your to-do list?

Interview hints and tips

You need to be interested in the job you are actually interviewing for. Whilst a company wants to see that you are ambitious, they also want assurances you are committed to the job you're being hired for. Turn the weakness question into a positive. Don't say you work too hard or you are too much of a perfectionist, as the interviewers are more likely to roll their eyes than be blown away. Instead, be honest and come up with a weakness that can be improved on and won't ruin your chances of getting a job. Perhaps talk about the skills you don't have that will add value, but aren't required for the job. Criticise current or previous employers / colleagues. Answer a question with another question. Fidget incessantly – if you suffer from any nervous habits (e. nail biting) you may find it helpful to clasp your hands in your lap. Interrupt the interviewers – although they may interrupt you. Swear. Lie or exaggerate. Even if you get through the interview process with your half- truths, chances are you won't be equipped to handle the job you were hired to do.

Job interview hints and tips for employees

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Job interview tips and tricks

Before the interview take some time to prepare. We recommend that you think about the questions that you would like to ask in advance and make a list to take to the interview. Practice is key If you have ever done public speaking or had to say some words at a party you may realise that practice makes perfect. This is also true with interviews. Have someone you know ask you interview questions and within time your answers will sound smooth and professional. You could even record your voice and listen back to it. Last minute pointers Bring a copy of your CV, and copies for people who are interviewing you. This shows that you are organised Be on time if not 15 minutes early The interview is a two way meeting, to see if they like you and YOU like them Prepare any questions Look at company info/website Listen to questions, think, answer clearly & concisely, don't waffle Smile back to top

July 24, 2021, 1:35 am